Registration is required! We are excited to invite you to the first Bordering Land Owners Workshop at the E.B. Lyons Interpretive Center on Saturday, February 26 from 8am to 12pm.
This workshop is meant to be an empowering opportunity for landowners to learn how to manage and promote wildlife within their own properties, no matter the property size. It will also be a chance for the public to learn practices DCCB implements to manage their properties across Dubuque County. This will also be a great chance to network with environmental specialists, DCCB staff, and other landowners within Dubuque County that are interested in working towards conservation-minded goals for their property.
While this event is geared towards neighbors of Dubuque County Conservation properties, all landowners are welcome to attend!
This workshop brings together professionals with training on many characteristics of landowner conservation to offer an opportunity for landowners to learn, create connections, and ask questions.
Potential sessions include:
The workshops sessions will include topics such as:
• Conservation Officer discussion landowner rights
• Implementing natural resource work on your own property
• Invasive species identification and management
• Soil and water conservation,
• Sustainable agriculture and more!
Registration is required!